I keep this one page document updated and with me at all times. I also keep a copy in the front of the kids' 3 ring binders. Their timelines are too detailed and long to keep printed out. I think of this as a summary.
It's especially useful to have on hand when I need to fill out a health form for school, admittance forms for a psych hospital or residential treatment center, or new therapist or medical practitioner forms. It's also helpful to give to police officers and to child protective service workers (when we're reported for child abuse by a child who makes false allegations). I've even used it with a child's current provider as a refresher since they wouldn't have time to review my child's chart before an appointment, and that can greatly effect what they suggest/ prescribe. .
It's especially useful to have on hand when I need to fill out a health form for school, admittance forms for a psych hospital or residential treatment center, or new therapist or medical practitioner forms. It's also helpful to give to police officers and to child protective service workers (when we're reported for child abuse by a child who makes false allegations). I've even used it with a child's current provider as a refresher since they wouldn't have time to review my child's chart before an appointment, and that can greatly effect what they suggest/ prescribe. .
It is amazing to me that people will usually believe information when it is in writing (doesn't seem to matter that I'm the one that wrote it!). If I verbally give the same information about my child, they often treat me like I'm overreacting, overemotional, overprotective, over controlling, have Munchhausen by Proxy...
Another reason I like having this information in a document, is I don't have to repeat the information in front of my child, which can be a huge trigger for him/ her.
Kitty Themom (K.) 8/8/13
Kitty Themom (K.) (birth name ___________ _________). Born ##/##/##. She is 18 and in 12th grade. Placed for adoption in Themom home with her
brother, Bear (B.) on 11/06. K. is Caucasian
and Native American (_________ – not a Federally-recognized tribe and K’s
father is reported to be full Native American - tribe unknown). Adoption finalized 3/08.
School Diagnoses
(4/8/13): (07) Emotional Disturbance;
(08) Specific Learning Disability - Basic Reading skill, Written Expression,
Mathematics calculation, Mathematics problem solving; (09) Other Health
Neuropsych assessment (04/17/12 –
The Center -Residential Treatment Facility)
Axis I: 309.81
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder,
Chronic, by history
296.80 Bipolar Disorder NOS, by history
314.01 Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder,
Combined Type, by history
294.9 Cognitive Disorder NOS (deficits in
processing speed, working memory,
executive functioning, and visual
memory) - Cerebral Dysrhythmia (TBI)
– right temporal lobe. - which controls
memory, hearing, understanding language (receptive language),
organization, and sequencing.
995.54 Physical Abuse of Child, Victim, by
995.53 Sexual Abuse of Child, Victim, by
995.52 Neglect of Child, Victim, by history
307.6 Enuresis, by history, resolved
Axis II: 799.99
Diagnosis Deferred (R/O Borderline
Personality Disorder - Emerging)
Axis III: Obesity
327.3 Circadian
Rhythm Sleep Disorder / Insomnia (diagnosed 4/13)
564.0 Constipation, chronic
Esophoria – an inward deviation of the eyes,
particularly when tired
(diagnosed 5/12)
Axis IV: Problems
with primary support group
Social Environment
Axis V: GAF = 35-40 (4/17/12)
Status Examination: Mood: Stable | Thought Processes: Goal
Judgment: Significantly Impaired | Insight: Poor
Emotional/ Social Developmental Age:
approximately 6-10 years.
Previous diagnosis: 313.89 Reactive
Attachment Disorder of Infancy or Early Childhood – not
completely resolved.
Neuropsych - ____ Center:
Full Scale IQ - ## (4th
%ile – Well Below Average),
Verbal Comprehension – ## (19th
%ile – Below Average)
Reasoning – ## (25
%ile – Average)
Working Memory – ## (3rd %ile – Well Below Average)
Processing Speed – ## (1st %ile – Lower Extreme Range)
7/26/12 Tested for Central Auditory Processing Disorder -scored within normal limits
(better than 2 standard deviations below average for an adult - anyone >12 years of age) on 9 of the 11 MAPA subtests administered. She scored below (worse than) -2 SD on the Tap
Test and SINCA (right ear) tests. She is
considered at risk for CAPD, but does not have it. - All information must be presented shortly,
simply and concretely in a calm, quiet, environment for Kitty to have maximum
comprehension. Kitty’s ability to handle
stressful situations is low, particularly when aggravated by
loud, chaotic environment,
and she shuts down when overwhelmed.
Psychotropic Meds: T_____ 1800mg (mood stabilizer), S_____ XR 400mg (atypical antipsychotic), W____ XL 300mg, L____ 250 mg (mood
stabilizer), I____ 4mg (regulator for ADHD), A____ 10mg (PRN sleep med),
L____ 10mg (allergies).
---Page 2--- {I don't always include this page}
8/20/09 –
9/5/09 Neuropsych results from M RTC:
P300 is absent. (Means she has ADHD).
Cerebral dysrhythmia (brain damage/injury) in right
temporal lobe. {Temporal lobe controls your: Memory, Hearing, Organization and sequencing, Understanding
language (receptive language).
lobe disorders: Exaggeration of emotions is
sometimes seen with disorders of the temporal lobes. Deep in the temporal
lobes is the “limbic system,” a primitive system involved with emotions and
memory (and to some extent sexuality). Disorders here can turn anger
into rage, sadness into suicidal depression, or anxiety into panic.
Electrical disorders in this area can result in atypical psychotic symptoms,
inappropriate sexual behavior, and unusual fears. Memory problems
are common. Temporal lobe patients are prone to “bad days” when
their behavior is out of character. They are unpredictable and may
become depressed or explosive without provocation.
hemisphere disorders:The right hemisphere is important in
visual spatial reasoning, visual memory, and organizational ability and
pattern perception. In addition, the right hemisphere is involved in the
non-verbal aspects of communication such as facial expression, body language,
gestures, and voice inflections. Individuals
who cannot express or comprehend such non verbal signals are at a social
disadvantage. Even with normal language, their lack of non-verbal
signals makes their communication dull and ineffective. If they cannot
see patterns of social relationships or communicate effectively they may seem odd
and be rejected by peers, resulting in problems that peak in
adolescence. Visual processing problems can produce learning
impairments which impair schoolwork in math, science, and other visually
learning classes. ~From Neuropsychiatry by Dan Matthew, M.D and Larry
Fisher, Ph.D.
Are you sure you should be putting all this online? People've figured out your identity before; surely it could happen again. It just doesn't seem fair to the kids to have all this private and potentially embarrassing information out there...
R - you may be right, but most people who read this blog are more interested in what type of information would go on this type of page for their own child. Honestly, all of this info is already in my blog in some form or another. I have made changes here and there to protect the children's privacy.
Does it bother anyone else that the facts about our children are considered embarrassing or insults?
Here's the facts about me - are they insults or should I be embarrassed?
I'm 43 years old and married.
Current occupation - unemployed social worker/ stay-at-home therapeutic parent.
Axis I -
296.80 Bipolar disorder NOS I have never been technically diagnosed with this, but I have been treated for it. I do not currently take/ need medication or therapy for this.
315.2 "Mirror dyslexia", by history - treated as a very young child and only nominally effects current functioning.
Axis II - Informally diagnosed with a severe attachment disorder - healing.
Axis III - Obesity
327.3 Circadian Rhythm Sleep Disorder / Insomnia - informally diagnosed
345.50 Inattention seizures - resolved
IQ - 144 99%ile (Highly Gifted).
The difference is you chose to disclose those "facts" about yourself. You disclosed personal information about Kitty without her permission. Bedwetting, constipation, and a low IQ score are not issues that young adults want shared.
When it comes to that, this whole blog is technically an invasion of their privacy. Where does the line go? I've removed and altered a lot of identifying information. I've removed the pictures. If no one blogged about anything that would potentially be embarrassing to their kids, then there would be no Mommy blogs.
I decided to keep this blog open to help other families dealing with children of trauma. I'm not technically a professional with access to a large pool of examples, all I can do is offer information that worked for us. To do that, I have been using my own children as an example.
Maybe that's wrong. I don't know.
Mary, thank you for being brave and keeping your blog alive. My husband and I adopted two children, biological siblings, our daughter age 9 at adoption, and our son age 8 at adoption. Our son has disinhibited/disorganized attachment disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder and auditory processing disorder. Learning how to best help him and then getting him the help he needs is crucial to his healing... and neither of these are easy to do. Your blog has made it easier. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you. Jennifer and Matthew McMullen.
Thank you! I really need to hear that today!
Mary- I refer to your blog all the time. I just came back to this document to use as a template for my own one-page info sheet for my daughter. I only happened to scroll down to the comments today and see negative comments about you sharing your kids' info. I just want to say THANK YOU so much for sharing this info. You've obviously done what you can to protect their identities. Other parents, myself included, find this info invaluable. I hope you never take down your blog- the work you're doing is so important to those of us in the trenches.
Thank you, Kim Martin!
It really helps to hear that my blog helps someone. It can be a lot of work, and it's good to know it's worth it.
Keep fighting the good fight and know that although yes, our children's stories are theirs to tell because we are the parents that stepped up to the plate, the story is also ours. As trauma mamas there are times when the lines truly do blur. I use my real name. I have real beautiful kids who have been dealt a raw deal...
Your work online is important and you are always gracious.
I read a meme the other day that fits here:
Real queens fix each other's tiaras.
Thanks, y'all! I really appreciate the positive feedback. I love being able to help other trauma mamas.
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