This blog is my place to vent and share resources with other parents of children of trauma. I try to be open and honest about my feelings in order to help others know they are not alone. Therapeutic parenting of adopted teenagers with RAD and other severe mental illnesses and issues (plus "neurotypical" teens) , is not easy, and there are time when I say what I feel... at the moment. We're all human!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Good news and bad news

Good news:
Bear and Kitty are compliant and doing OK as if nothing has happened.
Bad news:
Bob's turn.

Good news:
Bob is acting horrendous because she is a teenager and not because she is mentally ill or traumatized.
Bad news:
Because Bob is bio she apparently is biologically wired to be able to push my buttons. She infuriates me.

Good news:
I don't have to be at work until 2pm because I don't have any appointments until then, and for once almost everyone has their chores done. Even sick Ponito.
Bad news:
Bob is the "almost" and the whole time will be spent with a pouting Bob who is refusing to get in the car with me to go to work. So I have to sit here while Grandma gets everyone else.

Bad news:
Ponito is sick.
Good news:
He just has a mild cough and a low grade fever and is such a sweet tempered kid he's behaving well and even voluntarily doing his chores (I had to stop him from doing aerobics, but let him do his chores).

Good news:
I got all 25 dozen cookies done and delivered for the prison ministry.
Bad news:
I ate a lot of the extra.

Good news:
My niece is 8!
Bad news:
Pizza, birthday cake and ice cream.

Good news:
I got to go to Sunday School (to deliver the cookies).
Bad news:
I'm still staying up 'till all hours because I can't sleep, and Hubby gets up at the crack of dawn to get enough hours in at work. We hardly ever see each other.

Good news:
Company is still operating, and we have some proposals out to small clients.
Bad news:
We lost the two major contracts we were trying for, so we may not be operating for long.


GB's Mom said...

At least all your news id different- better then the same old, same old. Keep hanging there (Not as if you have a choice) {{{Hugs}}}

Jessica Lynn said...

hoping things get better soon, at least to where the good news outweighs the bad...

Mom 4 Kids said...
