Incoming here are all the rules:
1. Put the logo in my post or within my blog.
2. Pass the award onto 12 fellow bloggers.
3. Link the nominees within my post.
4. Let the nominees know they have received this award by leaving a comment on their blogs.
5. Share the love and link to the person who gave you the award!
So, now the hard part picking only 12 of the 80+ blogs I read:
Some friends who need some sunshine:
Beautifully Chaotic
With Love from Sumy
What Now?
Beautifully Chaotic
Hartley's Life with 3 Boys
Mom to My Angelbabies
My Radical Family
Sometimes God Does Give You More Than You Can Handle
The Land of the Loo Loos
Special K's Journey
The Missing Piece
Thou Shalt Not Whine
Truth is Powerful and it Prevails
A Bipolar Daughter and the Family Who Loves Her
Brenda McCreight PhD
Peace in Puzzles
RADical Adventures
Under Scarlet Bird's Wing
Stellar Parenting 101
Some kids who are getting full of sunshine:
Finding my Heartsmile
Journey to Being a Normal Kid
Alayna's World
Knew I couldn't limit it to just twelve. Oh well. Share the sunshine y'all!
Thank you so much Mary the Mom! I definately needed some sunshine!
see, i've been awarded twice before but I still don't know how I'm supposed to "pick up" the award. *sulks* that's why I don't have those posted on my blog either. *sulks some more*
gosh I'm all full of sulk today! lol
clue me in. Html code stuff or what?
Thanks Mary. You ARE the bomb! Sunshine is very good, especially this time of year. Thanks for thinking about us who need it.
I may be doing it wrong, but all I did was right click on the picture and save it to my computer. Then when I blogged about it I just inserted it like any other regular picture.
I just cut and pasted the "rules." There's probably some fancy way that makes it link to something when you click the picture, but since I didn't do that it wouldn't work for you either.
Thank you so much Mary! I will keep that sunshine with me as I brave yet another doctor's appointment this week.
Hope the sun is shining on your family,
your advice? HEARD! I will be doing just that, triggering Sissy on purpose. It's our only defense to buy her another 30 days at RTC!
Ms. MarytheMom,
Thank you so much for my award! I am happy you like my blog!
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