Been feeling a little more energy this weekend. I actually got some work done around the house. The front door handle has been breaking for several weeks now (the little part that sticks into the door frame won't completely retract most of the time). Since the door already sticks, this means you can spend 2 minutes pushing down the tab on the outside (or twisting the handle on the inside) and pushing the door trying to get it to open. The house is 15 years old and so many things are falling apart - this is not even the only broken door.

Still need to decide what color to paint it. Normally I'd do red, but the house is red brick and I think that would look wrong. Maybe forest green... hmm.

My girls aren't in the wedding, but I let them buy semi-formals (at a resale shop of course) that they could wear again for the end of the school year dance. They were aided by one of Bob's friends. Bob's friend picked a black dress for Bob (and helped Kitty choose a black dress too). Probably before she even got home, Bob decided she didn't like the dress. Plus, my sister wasn't totally thrilled by the fact that the girl's dresses are black.

Now not only do I have to finish my sister's dress, fix my ugly Matron of Honor dress** by adding a lace inset to and mending it (I got it for 2 dollars cause it had a ripped out zipper), but I also have to make a fancy dress for my daughter... aaand... make ivory jackets for both girls to make their dresses more appropriate for the wedding, and lighten them up for a spring afternoon wedding. (Has to be both girls because if I don't do anything for Kitty she'll feel horribly abused. Her jacket will need to be fancier and "better" than Bob's to justify the fact that I made Bob's dress).
Yea, I'm nuts.

** My dress is not really ugly, but I hate the color. I love jewel tones and black. My dress is sort of a cafe au lait which matches the lace on my sister's dress. I hate browns and they don't look good on me. Plus the dress reminds me of "The Naked Bridesmaid." Back when I used to sew professionally I made a bridesmaid dress for a girl who had been given the fabric and pattern by an out of state bride. The dress was very form fitting. The color - cafe au lait. The girl's skin color? Also cafe au lait. She truly looked naked.
(To the right is "my" dress, but you have to imagine it in a size 18, with my ample bosum making the neckline practically obscene and pushing the shoulder straps off the shoulder. I'm adding a lace inset (from leftovers off the wedding gown) to cover my cleavage. I'll also be wearing "pearls" in the exact same Frappucino color (that's what the store calls it). The other bridesmaids (ages 7 and 5) will be wearing Ivory dresses with Frappucino accents. They both get tiaras like the bride. *pout*
DON'T get a tan before the wedding, it will just make your skin more cafe au lait colored.
I'm sure you're beautiful in anything you wear. Maybe color your hair a few days before to make sure it's as dark as possible, adding contrast to the dress. Make sure your brows and eyelashes are dark, too, bringing the focus to your eyes.
Hahahahaha, naked bridesmaid! You could just go with it and put a faux belly button and nipples. . . and dimples? Nah, that's probably just me. ;)
You should totally show up in a tiara.
I wish I could sew like you.
Oh yeah, one more thing... You are completely crazy for taking on the new dress sewing project for your daughter. Takes one to know one... BTDT more times than I can count! I love sewing for my daughter!
Hey Purple,
I don't tan, I just burn. So no worries there. I avoid the sun like a vampire.
I stopped dying my hair a while back because I was tired of looking like a skunk when I dyed it back to my original color of dark brown. I'm more than 75% gray now. There is no hair dye that matches my hair any more. If I go blond so the grey wouldn't stand out (not that I'd look good blonde), then the 25% of my hair that's dark brown would give me funky roots too.
The picture at the bottom of my blog shows my "new" figure, but my hair looks much darker than it really is. Another reason to hate the stupid dress.
Mom in the Trench - I think I'm going to post a picture of the "World's Trashiest Wedding Dress." I had some interesting experiences as a seamstress.
My sister already nixed the tiara. *pout*
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