Knowledge and Skills
- Demonstrate car maintenance skills
- Demonstrate ability to take care of car, gear and equipment
- Read, study for and pass the driver’s license tests
- If you’re under 18, pass Driver’s Ed (and pay for at least ½)
- Demonstrate knowledge of rules of the road
- Ability to multi-task (need to be able to: listen to music and friends, know where you’re going, know what everyone in the cars around you are doing, aware of how the car is running, remembering the driving rules…)
- Hand/eye coordination
- Demonstrate map skills - Know where you are (are you near home? can you find where you’re going if you’ve been there before?)
- Confident and comfortable with handling car
Taking Care of Business/ Responsible
- Take care of school work and be attending school and making good grades
- Be where you are supposed to be when you are supposed to be there – not missing the bus
- Demonstrate you are able to keep people aware of your comings and goings
- Cars need gas – demonstrate ability to pay for it and will remember to fill the car with it
- Follow rules and do chores without reminders
- Trusted to be left alone - without adult supervision
- Trusted to interact with other kids appropriately – even without supervision
- Show responsibility with electronics (cell phone, MP3 player, computer) – taking care of your things, borrow and return things in good repair
- Ability to save and handle money
- Emotional Readiness
- Able to handle stressful situations appropriately (no Road Rage!)
- Not running away/dissociating
- Behave appropriately with people and during activities
- Self-reporting – being able to admit when you did something wrong and restitution
- Ability to tell if your judgment or ability to drive is impaired (alcohol, meds, anger, stress…)
- If judgment or ability to drive is impaired – ability to ask for help, willing to call parent.
- Good judgment – parents should have no worries about sex, drugs and alcohol
- Ability to share – need to share car time with others in family, when in traffic you need to take turns
- Able to handle delayed gratification
- Empathy – can see other’s viewpoint
- Cause and effect – understand that if you do something you will have to deal with the consequences of your choices
- Don’t steal or borrow without asking – can be trusted with money and other things
- Truthful – tell the truth to others and self – even about difficult things
- Deal well with authority figures (including parents)
Other posts about driving:
Some people(like my D)would never drive under these rules. I like them.
I just stumbled on this post, but I love the list, and I think I'll hang onto it. Our two are getting close enough to start talking about "when I'm 16," and I think this might be a way to get them focused on our expectations before they get a license. Our son this should not be a problem. Our daughter, on the other hand...
Heather - I've been reading your blog for awhile now. Hope your daughter's eyebrows grow back! I think I would definitely take that as a sign she's not ready to drive. I've updated this list and will post it when Bear's skills trainer converts it to "quantifiable" (sp?) choices.
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